十二月坊茶树 柔顺洗发水
产品名称 |
十二月坊茶树 柔顺洗发水 |
功效 |
去屑,滋润 |
品牌 |
十二月坊 |
价格 |
暂无报价 |
图片 |
![]() |
产品介绍 |
蕴含茶树精油和多种植物草本精华,有效调节油脂分泌,更能修护秀发因缺乏营养造成的干燥、分叉、枯黄、脱落现象,使秀发柔顺、光泽、富有弹性。 Efficiency: Contain tea tree essential oil and vegetal extracts, effectively regularize oil secretion, relieve dry, split, yellowish and coarse hair caused by innutrition, prevent hair loss, effectively repair hair, and make hair manageable, bright and elastic. |
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