产品名称 |
十二月坊莹洁眼部卸妆乳 |
功效 |
深层清洁,保湿,补水,滋润 |
品牌 |
十二月坊 |
价格 |
暂无报价 |
图片 |
![]() |
产品介绍 |
质感轻盈清爽,像纯水般清澈纯净,有效促进皮肤微循环,全面卸除眼部和唇部彩妆。其酸碱值与泪水相同,性质温和,呵护幼嫩眼部肌肤。经测试,尤其适合佩戴隐形眼镜人士使用。 Efficiency: Mild and refreshing nature as pure water, effectively promote microcirculation, completely remove makeup from eye skin and lips. With same PH value as tear, it features extremely mild nature, and can protect the tender eye skin. After medical test, it is applicable for users with contact lens in particular. |
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