产品名称 |
十二月坊橄榄造型弹力素 |
功效 |
品牌 |
十二月坊 |
价格 |
暂无报价 |
图片 |
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产品介绍 |
含橄榄植物萃取精华及多种天然植物成份、天然保湿剂等,其橄榄精华能长期保湿,持久定型,造型能力极强,增强头发亮度,发型特亮丽丰厚,令秀发动感迷人,长期使用可有效修护头发受损部位,让秀发更加健康完美。 Contain natural olive extract and various vegetal moisturizing factors, constantly moisturize and style hair with extremely strong styling ability, strengthen hair luster, make hair dynamic, charming and bright. After persistent use, it can effectively repair damaged hair, and make hair healthy and perfect. |
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