产品名称 |
十二月坊海藻保湿凝露 |
功效 |
保湿,补水 |
品牌 |
十二月坊 |
价格 |
暂无报价 |
图片 |
![]() |
产品介绍 |
双重提升补湿效能并重建肌肤锁水系统,令其迸发天然的水润质感,更有效激发肌肤基层蛋白活性,肌肤水得弹力四射,重现紧致透明的蛋白美肌。 Efficiency: Powerfully strengthen the moisturizing effect, reconstruct water-retaining system, enhance skin protection and stability, shrink pores, improve elastic tissue, mildly regularize the functions of skin, enhance the self-curing ability of cells, directly penetrate into corium, completely repair and protect skin. |
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