产品名称 |
999王妃时尚动感刷柄 |
功效 |
品牌 |
999王妃 |
价格 |
暂无报价 |
图片 |
产品介绍 |
独特的弹力刷毛,柔韧有弹性,在刷牙时发挥揉动力。揉动力能有效按摩牙龈,促进血液循环。 ·Special elastic flexile brush. With the massage function, it can efficiently massage your gingival, and facilitate blood circulation. ·时尚动感刷柄设计,更富有弹性,吸收刷牙时的不当力度,让操控更自如洁齿更安全、舒适。 ·Grasp strengthened anti-slip type Rubber handle and the special grasp and anti-slip design, gives you comfort and firm feelings. |
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