
欧派恋恋提拉米苏,I totally “dessert” this sweet coffee cream.只想尽情沈浸在甜蜜咖啡奶油的世界。

欧派微笑甜橙,Choosing this persimmon crème is as easy pie.毫不犹豫地挑选上这甜橙奶油。

欧派时尚尖端,Flaunt your fashion“cents”in this shimmery copper.情不自禁炫耀指尖的闪烁耀眼!

欧派爱在威尼斯运河,Let the romance flow in this ravishing red.就让我漂流在这令人陶醉的红色浪漫氛围中

欧派浓情鸡尾酒,Get is straight – this fruity orange crème is fabulous!香甜的橙好似浓密的爱恋

欧派寻找浪漫,This dark, creamy mauve says “hang loose!” in style.抚腰!旋转起我们的圆舞曲

欧派拥抱艳阳天,The heart of the matter lies in this gold shimmer with colorful sparkle.光芒!是我的名

欧派粉红啤酒海,A light and happy pink that’s the perfect travelingcompanion.踏步!轻旅行

欧派拥吻珊瑚礁,With this reef-inspired purple, what’s one bikini more or less.浪浪比基尼的海岸

欧派热恋阿罗哈,Let’s give a warm island hello to this bright creamy coral!珊瑚色的温暖拥抱

欧派热辣熔情,You can feel the heat shimmering off this golden red.挡不住的爱恋光芒

欧派圈住你,On second thought,I can’t wait –I need this creamy nude now!对你的爱 赤裸无保留

欧派守护爱情,Being bright and pearly green is just one of its talents.保持澄澈的浪漫